Voice in the Metadiegetic Space of the Motion Picture

This extension of the author’s publication cycle “Audiovisual Means of Creating Metadiegetic Space in Cinema” (“Vestnik VGIK” #1(31), 2017; #2 (32), 2017) is a historical, artistical and technological survey of special sound-design techniques that make it possible to use the expressive potential of a human voice in a subjective (metadiegetic) space of the motion picture and through the voice to separate the metadiegetis from the sound realism of the diegesis of an audio-visual production.

Статья E A

кандидат искусствоведения, доцент, проректор по научной работе


Email: editor@vestnik-vgik.com


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版权所有 © Rusinova E.A., 2017
