Reconstruction of the Past in the Reality of Screen Imagery




The article deals with issues related to the reconstruction of the past events in the artistic space of the film. Based on the analysis of the film language in the movie “Night porter” (directed by L.Cavani), the stages of the formation of artistic imagery of the film through the recreation of the past epoch are traced. Based on the research, the authors identify mechanisms for implementing the existing principles of forming an idea of the basic model that creates the present in the imagination and consciousness of viewers.

The specific character of cinema allows one not to merely observe unfolding events in a detached way, but to get into the very essence of what is happening, becoming an active participant, so it is legitimate to speak about a new experience acquired by the audience.

The system of values, and especially the process of its transformation, has always been and will always be of genuine interest to artists, since this is the basis, one might even say, the root cause of transactions existing in society that directly shape its spiritual and moral state.

The paper confirms the thesis that the life experience acquired by the viewer through penetration into the consciousness of the artistic imagery of the film, affects the decision making.


Статья Vyacheslav

Ph.D of Art History, Dean of the Screenwriting and Cinematography Faculty, Associate Professor of the Department of Film Studies at VGIK

S.A.Gerasimov Russian State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK)
, 3, Wilhelm Pik street, 129226 Moscow, Russia



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