Digital Technologies and Virtual Worlds: Is Mankind on the Threshold of New Art?

The digital special effects industry is constantly in development and in search of new expressive means. The more and more popular 3D computer graphics can mold characters and objects similar to puppet animation but more detailed and convincing. Computer software makes it possible to fix human movements and create virtual characters. By means of the motion capture technology reflecting the subtlest shades of human plastique the computer catches the movements of the sensors fixed to the actor's face and body, analyzes the data and applies it the 3D model. As a result, screen characters behave like live people. As far as the audience is concerned, there is practically no difference between the reality recorded on film, video or photo, and that created by the artist's imagination with the help of the computer on the modern screen

Yaremenko Elena Georgievna

режиссер, руководитель мастерской «Режиссура мультимедиа программ»

Yaremenko Yelena Georgievna


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版权所有 © Yaremenko E.G., Yaremenko Y.G., 2010
