Artistic and symbolic meaning of Alexander Sokurov’s tetralogy (philosophical and aesthetic study)

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The article includes one of the possible philosophical and aesthetical interpretations of the basic metaphysical meaning of A. Sokurov’s tetralogy. Expressed by entirely artistic means, the Moloch of power, being irrational chthonic force, governs not only its earthly bearers (leaders), but the very «Prince of the world» changing lately as useless for the new irrational bearers of the Faust-like satirical epoch of our anthropogenic civilization.
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Bychkov Viktor Vasilyevich

GPhD in Philosophy, Professor, laureate of RF State Award in science and technology, leading scholar, head of the post-neoclassical aesthetics panel of the Institute of Philosophy of RF Academy of Sciences
Institute of Philosophy of RF Academy of Sciences


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Copyright (c) 2012 Bychkov V.V.

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