Russia's Contribution to Digital TV Broadcasting




In the second decade of the 21st century, the interconnection and even interdependence between the qualitative characteristics of modern screen produce and screen arts in general and those of rapidly developing innovative technologies becomes increasingly obvious. tte affinity of different academic problems pertaining to the analysis of film industry, in humanities and science in particular, raises a lot of questions. One of them deals with revealing the factors necessary for the international recognition of a fundamental project and its subsequent implementation. This issue is illustrated in the article by the history of terrestrial television which has evolved from analogue broadcasting to digital, multi-program, interactive TV.

Статья S L

доктор филологических наук, доцент, главный редактор научного журнала «Вестник ВГИК»; заведующая Научно-исследовательским сектором Академии медиаиндустрии.

journal “Vestnik VGIK”; Academy of Media Industry



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  2. Кривошеев М.И. Результаты нового подхода к международной стандартизации цифрового телевизионного вещания // Электросвязь, 2016, № 7. - С. 23-30.

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