VR-technologies in Animation




The article analyzes animated VR-experiences created by immersing an animation director or artist in virtual reality. Computer technologies, combined with the talent and creative skills of animators, allow us to find new approaches to creating narratives in virtual reality during experiments.
When creating stories in VR-environments directors face questions about changing the principles of editing animated works, changing the limiting borders of the frame, about the lack of control over the viewer's gaze and actions, the answers to which allow the authors to come to their own stylistic decisions and find new artistic approaches to creating animated narrative.
In virtual reality, the artist controls the sensor manipulators and the functionality of a VR modeling software tool in order to create a special spectacle and enhance the viewer's experience by creating interesting compositional solutions and stylistically interesting visual images, exciting storylines. Immersing the recipient in a virtual narrative has more emotional impact than watching an animated work on screen. The immersion effect, accompanies by new sensations, is achieved by switching perceptual organs from visual images, to sound or tactile sensations, for interactive participation with the possibility of interaction with objects of animation or surrounding space.
The progress of technology and the growing number of users stimulate animators to create experiments in virtual reality. These experiments provide the basis for studying animated works created in VR and for viewing in VR, in terms of its artistic, aesthetic and emotional components, as well as its perception by the viewer.


Статья Nadezhda YU.

старший преподаватель факультета экранных искусств, соискатель ученой степени кандидат наук кафедры киноведения ВГИК (научный руководитель – доктор философских наук, кандидат искусствоведения, заведующая кафедрой истории и теории изобразительных искусств ВГИК, профессор О.К.Клейменова).

S.A.Gerasimov Russian State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK)
, 344002, Ростовская область, г.Ростов-на-Дону, ул.Московская, д. 43-А

Email: iarovaia_n@mail.ru


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