TV Speech: the Polycode Nature of Verbal Inclusions




The article examines TV speech as a subtype of media speech. The audible verbal component of the TV product includes two types of speech: a) sounding “voice-over” of the invisible narrator; b) “on camera” interviews sounding in sync with the facial movements of the talking person.

The shift from the semantic (substantive) approach to the TV media speech analysis (which has been predominant for many years) to a communicationmodel discourse provides the tools for studying sounding texts in conjunction with dynamics of the screen image.

The intersection of verbal and visual spheres of the TV product opens up the possibilities for an integrative approach.

Synchronous and off-screen types of media speech perform different functions. The off-screen text is intentionally monologic, its main semantic message is transmitted by verbal statements, structured according to a specific syntax in order to ensure a logical communication with TV viewer.

The synchronous “on camera” speech carries emotional and illustrative features, adding a touch of dynamics and entertainment to the TV show.

The “spontaneity” of the “on camera” speech is illusory, it can be considered as quasi-direct speech, performing the functions of a screen attraction.

On the Internet TV texts lose some of their properties, primarily the synchroneity of online viewing.

The possibility of replaying and pausing the video, of listening carefully to verbal texts influences the structure of the audiovisual product in accordance with new habits and social practices of media consumption.


Статья Irina

PhD in Philology, Leading Researcher, Research Sector 

Academy of Media Industry 



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