Techniques for Representing the Author in Alexander Sokurov’s films




 One of the features of A. Sokurov's art is the author's manifest subjectivation of the material. In addition to the implicit presence of the author evident in the choice of the idea, the main character, the entire artistic solution, the director explicitly manifests himself in films.
In this regard, both the degree and the quality of the author's presence in his own work are of interest. The focus of this study is the obviousness of the author's direct involvement in the very fabric, the structure of the film.
The main purpose of the work is to identify and study the methods of the author's self-representation. The article analyzes films united by the pronounced author's "presence": the so-called cycle of non-fiction “Elegies”, the films “Maria”, “Russian Ark” and “Francophonie”. This approach makes it possible to identify several basic techniques the director uses to represent the author's image. The first one is typical of Sokurov’s art and presupposes the author who becomes the narrator of the film and models the narrated construction into a subjective artistic image.
Another way of doing it, when the author acts as an interviewer, the latter is replaced by a silent interlocutor observing his hero. In this case, the director uses the principle of long-term observation, which allows him to see what is usually hidden behind words and external phenomena.
Perhaps, the very unique way is turning Sokurov himself into the main character of his own film. Here the maximum subjectivation is achieved: the author shares his thoughts, feelings, enters the frame, actively interacts with the characters, forcing them to violate the principle of the “fourth wall”. Sokurov even removes the figure of the actor and takes his place himself, in order to literally appeal directly to his viewer, lure him after with him.
Thus, this study allows us to reveal Sokurov's combination of documentary cinema, television broadcasting, first-person computer game technologies and augmented reality simulators, expanding the boundaries of filmic reality and the language of cinema.


Статья Nadezhda

соискатель ученой степени кандидат искусствоведения кафедры киноведения ВГИК, 3 года обучения (научный руководитель - доктор искусствоведения, профессор Г.С.Прожико)

S.A.Gerasimov Russian State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK)
, 3, Wilhelm Pik street, 129226 Moscow, Russia


ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6188-4522


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版权所有 © Klimenko N., 2020
