The Mirror Shield: the Camera as anInstrument of Civil Defence

Another session of the Student Club under the Student Academic Society (SAS)took place in May at VGIK. The audience was shown the notorious "Tarnation" made by Jonathan Caouette, a 32-year-old gay Texas filmmaker who compiled this film from over 160-hour footage of himself and his Jamily. The movie aroused a heated discussion participated by VGIK students and guests from other universities. In the course of the discussion the idea of using a hand-held video camera as an instrument of civil self-defense was suggested In connection with the new academic year and the resuming of the SASs activity this theme is worth a closer examination.

Naveskin Roman Aleksandrovich

2 курс сценарно-киноведческого факультета, кафедра киноведения. Мастерская К.М. Исаевой; ВГИК

Naveskin Roman Alexandrovich



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  6. Никло О. Правда и эксгибиционизм. // Журнал «СЛЕД». ВГИК, 2006.
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