"The Karamazov Brothers" as intellectualgames

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The article analizes the television version of EM. ПойоуелгекуЪ "The Karamazov Brothers". The author treats the TV series in question as a typical screen production possessing all the techniques characteristic of Russian television, as an adaptation of me classic text's philosophic and artistic richness in accordance with the laws of mass perseption. The artical gives a consise history of the novel's adaptations in the world cinema.

Il'chenko Sergey Nikolaevich

кандидат искусствоведения, доцент; СПбГУ

Ilchenko Sergei Nikolayevich

; St Petersburg State University
St Petersburg State University


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  2. Богомолов Ю.А. Затянувшееся прощание: Российское кино и телевидение в меняющемся мире. -М.: МИК, 2006.-320с.
  3. Рассадин С.Б. Испытание зрелищем: Поэзия и телевидение. - М.: Искусство, 1984. - 223 с.
  4. Тынянов Ю.Н. Поэтика. История литературы. Кино. - М.: Наука, 1977. - 574 с.

Copyright (c) 1970 Il'chenko S.N., Ilchenko S.N.

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