Homo Informaticus as a Personality Type. The Conflict of Spectacular and Real on the Screen




The evolution of informational culture which can be treated as media culture due to the development of audiovisual technologies, puts a number of questions brought about by the emergence of a new personality type, homo informaticus (informational man). The article covers the conflict between the nature of television with its tendency for spectacularity and the informational requirements of the modern society which demands an authentic presentation of the world.

Urazova Svetlana Leonidovna

кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры журналистики и массовой коммуникации, главный редактор периодического научного журнала «Вестник ВГИК»; ФГОУ ДПО «Институт повышения квалификации работников телевидения и радиовещания»; Institute of Advanced Training for Television and Radio Broadcasting Personnel
Institute of Advanced Training for Television and Radio Broadcasting Personnel


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版权所有 © Urazova S.L., 1970
