Synthesis of Cultures and Mythological Patterns in the film Holidays of the Childhood

The article is devoted to the synthesis of cultures and mythological patterns in creating an artistic image. The author analyses the unique polycultural layer of the film Holidays of the Childhood , which comprises mythology as well as everyday, Orthodox Christian and social cultures, and analyses the Grigoryevs' screen adaptations of V. Shukshin's prose.

Pishita Yevgeniy Mikhailovich

postgraduate student in Cinema Studies


  1. Григорьева Р.А. На пути к дому. - Барнаул: «Азбука», 2006.
  2. Дорогая моя бесценная… /Сост. Е.А. Тончу. -М.: Издательский Дом «ТОНЧУ», 2009.
  3. Шукшин В.М. Собрание сочинений в 8 т. /Под общ. Ред. О.Г. Левашовой. -Барнаул: Издательский Дом «Барнаул», 2009.

Copyright (c) 1970 Pishita Y.M.

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