Reconstruction As a Show In Contemporary Historical TV-research

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The article investigates numerous methods of representation of the past in contemporary TV-mocumentary exemplified by the series about British farming (British Farm). Despite the apparent authenticity of the television image, the attraction of the authors to usage of the on-screen real historical objects and documents reinforcing the narrative by opinions of noted experts, one cannot admit authenticity of the realm represented. The information in such historical series is often presented as a phenomenon, the task of which is rather to hide the true reality, than to represent it. Instead of reconstructing history through artistic means of docudrama, the TV-series mostly create it. For this purpose, effective techniques of artificial dramatization as a synthesis of live sound, vivid images, voiceover and an unusual angle are employed. The author considers the level of relations in contemporary screen document of historical data and “pseudo” household facts, interesting for the “average” viewer; knowledge of professional historians, based on authentic sources and documents, and the attraction of mass audience to myth and speculation, taking up science as entertainment. The relevance of this work is sustained by the growing influence of mass culture on contemporary TV, including documentary projects, which leads to the standardization of the screen document. The novelty of the article consists in the analysis of juxtaposition of the techniques of journalism and feature cinema in TV-series, and the impact of these combinations on the balance between the educational and entertaining components in the TV historic series.

Ekimova Anastasia Victorovna

post-graduate student


Author for correspondence.


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