Development of Culture: Methodological Basis of State Regulation




State regulation of culture refers to the topical methodological issues of economic science. The methods and instruments of regulating economic activities of economic entities differ in their discussion. Non-profit cultural organizations perform important social functions in society. For Russia, the relatively low (in comparison with the OECD countries) is characterized by the level of demand for paid cultural services. Modern problems of the industry are associated with macroeconomic instability, a complex situation in the market of goods and services. The financial provision of cultural organizations is characterized by the lack of reliable sources of funding through extrabudgetary funds. This adversely affects the implementation of financial plans and compliance with the regulatory deadlines for the implementation of public tasks and activities. Improving the methodology of state regulation of cultural organizations involves the development of theoretical foundations (principles, methods, methods, technology, logic) and contributes to improving the practice of economic work. The stable state of business entities is largely determined by the measures of financial support, a prominent place among which belongs to the methods of financial (fiscal and budgetary) and monetary (monetary) regulation. To finance the statutory activities and the future development of nonprofit cultural organizations, it is necessary to apply project-oriented funding, attract extrabudgetary and private funds in the form of grants, sponsorship and sponsorship assistance, and create endowment funds. Periodically conducted adjustments of the amount of budget financing hinder the activities of cultural organizations, lead to the failure to meet the targets. It is necessary to develop strategic plans for the medium-term period in conjunction with tactical activities at the macro and micro level, as well as constructive activities for their implementation. A promising area of work of cultural organizations is to increase investment attractiveness and expand the innovative component in their work. In the state regulation of cultural activities it is necessary to apply innovations based on modern methods and technologies of management, domestic and foreign experience. Participation in the preparation and implementation of financial innovations will improve the economic performance of cultural organizations.

Статья Igor N

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of Economics Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University; Professor of Public Finance Department of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Professor of the Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after Sergei Gerasimov (VGIK)

МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова; Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации; Всероссийский государственный институт кинематографии имени С.А. Герасимова (ВГИК)



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