Prospects for Professional Training of Producers in the Context of the Development of Film Business in Russia

The author explains the conditions and reasons for the introduction in 2003 a new major, that is “Film and Television Producer” into the list of Media Majors for which the students are trained in higher educational institutions for the domestic industry. The article points out the goals and tasks for developers of normative and methodological materials required for the introduction of such a major, the functional responsibilities and skills of the producer in audiovisual industry and the main features of his/her activities as compared to the classical entrepreneurship skill set. The author presents the list of learning outcomes and the tasks a graduate who has mastered the curriculum of the “Producer” program should solve. A highlight of the article is given to the legal basis for ensuring the activities of the producer. Besides, the professional standard of "Film Producer", approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, is critically evaluated. Basing on the analysis of the current state of the national film business the author reflects on the problems and challenges the system of professional training of producers, faces and outlines the prospects for the future work. These problems demand further diversification of Film Majors including the introduction of a new one called “Producer of distribution”. Moreover, it’s necessary to determine the optimal number of students, to write the teaching aids and textbooks aimed at solving practical problems existing in film business and multimedia and mastering the current students’ skills. The author states that one of the most crucial problems in the system of producer training is the unresolved issue of financial support of the diploma project (a film shot by a graduate). The author offers his own system of the development of a diploma film, which will allow us to give a more realistic and deeper assessment of the abilities, skills and knowledge of a future film-maker. The second half of the article gives a brief overview of the current state of cinema, television and multimedia in Europe and determines, in this respect, the main directions for improving the system of professional training of producers in European film schools, taking into consideration the new industrial context. The fact that the changing industrial context makes producers seek for new ways to reduce uncertainty and risks, attracting external investors and co-producers, is particularly stressed. The author also reflects on the problem of the so-called “TV-ization” of a film, which has set absolutely new tasks in front of the producers and creators of audiovisual product. In conclusion, the author presents a summary of the main principles, methods and approaches to structuring the educational process while teaching students the Major "Film and Television Producer" at the Film University Babelsberg named after Konrad Wolf. The author appreciates the experience of German colleagues, which can be implemented into domestic practice.


Статья Vitaly I

PhD (Economic), Professor, Head of the Department of Producers' Excellence, Honorary Cinematographer, VGIK.

, Moscow



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版权所有 © Sidorenko V.I., 2018
