Mythologeme as a Means of Artistic Expression in Contemporary Russian Cinema




The article discusses the importance of the audience response to current film premieres appealing to all ranks of viewers, which is largely due to the fact that, given the massive scale of the cinema art and provided that the subject matter is in tune with major concerns of general public, the releases of a number of films have caused a fairly wide resonance. Sophisticated use of instruments of cinematic expression allows for involvement of the viewer into the film events making him feel like a co-author of the film.

The piece analyses Alexei Krasovsky’s film "The Collector" (2016), example use of cinematic expressive means for crafting images properly reflective of the current state of society which permits an in-depth conversation with the viewers, possible if the insight into aspects of interaction between the individual and the society goes with the use of artistic devices appealing to the collective unconscious.

One of the essential factors in this regard is the methodology of the impact on the viewer by itself. The viewer’s introduction into the artistic space of the film allows for a transformation not by means of a logical and reasoned debunking of a myth but through the immersion of the viewer’s mind into a state close to that experienced by the characters. Cinema during its existence has more than once proved its leading role in the construction of the public conscience. The exposure of the film art and the modern tendency to opt for visual representation instead of the verbal one make cinema a powerful means of influence upon the process of developing a new social order. The audience’s interest is currently determined by the needs of the modern society, which, on the other hand, nurture the artist's capability to comprehend reality.


Статья Vyacheslav

кандидат искусствоведения, доцент ВАК, декан сценарно-киноведческого факультета ВГИК, профессор кафедры киноведения

S.A.Gerasimov Russian State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK)
, 3, Wilhelm Pik street, 129226 Moscow, Russia



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